SEO has changed a lot through the years. Google has made numerous updates to its SEO algorithm changing how different ranking factors actually affect your site’s rank. With each update Webmasters need to reevaluate each aspect of their website to try and maintain the rank that they have. How can you keep up with all of these changes? Stop optimizing your website solely for Google and begin optimizing your website for the web at large.

Google may be the largest search engine but it is a long shot from being the only search engine out there. Bing, Yahoo, even social media sites like Facebook and Twitter, are all avenues that your website can be found through. Each platform has their own set of rules that they use to determine which website appear at the top of their search results. To give your website the best change at attracting visitors it’s important to optimize your website to provide the best user experience rather than trying to fit into the mold of a specific search engine.

Here at Tanet we provide Search Engine Optimization that goes beyond just what Google outlines for clients in countless different types of businesses. We take a look at ranking factors from multiple different search engines from Meta Data Tags to Image and Page Speed Optimizations. By optimizing factors from multiple search engines we give our clients the best chance at reaching new and keeping returning customers on your website.

Now’s the time to stop focusing on ranking on Google and instead on making your website visible to a larger online audience.